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How To Get Picture Perfect Kids

Writer's picture: Bianca Jo Bianca Jo


A couple weeks ago I asked a question on my IG stories what is a fear you have before booking a family session?⁣

"What will my kids mood will be like on session day?"⁣ ⁣

It is hard to determine how your littles will act and if they'll cooperate and that can add to the stress of the session before it even starts.

To help alleviate some of that stress I have put together a few tips that you can do to help with moods.


Tip 1-Nap Schedule

Planning your session during or really close to nap times will make for grumpy or kids falling a sleep.⁣ ⁣

Tip 2-Feeding Schedule

Make sure to eat before the session so they are not hungry during the session. ⁣ ⁣

Tip 3-Let Them Play

Letting your kids play can add an extra something special to the portraits. It's great to capture them being themselves.


I know its tough when things don't go as planned. I struggle with it too, but something I've learned through the years of photographing children is finding out what they like and using that as a tool or letting them play a little bit. The purpose is to enjoy time together as a family that happens to capture the fun and love of your unique family. As a professional it is my job to make sure you and the whole family have a great experience.

⁣Have more questions you'd like me to answer? Ask me in the comments and I'll be more then happy to answer!


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