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DIY Lace Crowns

Writer's picture: Bianca Jo Bianca Jo

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

I am all for DIYing so when I found out how to make lace crowns I fell in love with it and it was really easy. You can find many tutorials but a lot of them take hours to make because you need to let them dry. I baked mine which cut the drying time down from hours to about 20mins!

What you need:


Fabric stiffener/mod podge

Hot glue gun

Sponge brush

Choice of paint

Parchment paper


Step 1: First you want to measure out the size of your crown based on the size of the person the crown is for, in the photo above I made them for me just to test out. The second time I made them for newborns.

Step 2: Get your cup and fill it with fabric stiffener, I used mod podge. Grab your lace and dunk it in the cup and get it fully coated. Use your middle and index fingers to ring out the access. Lay it out on your parchment paper and get all the bubbles out with a paper towel to one of the brushes you have with you.

Step 3: Let it dry! Now, most tutorials tell to let it air dry but that takes a couple of hours so I found someone who baked them. What you do is put your oven on to 175 degrees. Once it reaches that temp to it off then place the crowns with the parchment paper on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven for about 20 mins.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 a few times to get the desired stiffness.

Step 5: Once you have achieved the desired stiffness now is the time you can get creative with painting! I used shimmery craft paint colors like gold, silver, pink, and clear paint with glitter.

Step 6: You can let it air dry or put it in the oven again if you just can wait, like me!

Step 7: Almost done I promise! Now if it being dry you take it off the parchment paper, carefully it can stick. Grab your glue gun and glue the edges overlapping them to aligning correctly.

Step 8: The crowns are still flexible so you want to get a cup that has a graduated shape (top that is bigger than the bottom) and snugly place the crown on it so it will hold that shape. Leave it like this for about a day as the crown will get stiffer as it cures.

Below are a few of my crowns I made along with one my mentor used during one of her newborn sessions.

I was so excited when my mentor Julie Horn wanted to use my crowns for this adorable session!

If you plan on making them I'd love to see how they turned out! You can tag me on Instagram @biancajophoto so I can see your wonderful creations!

Click here for another DIY project!

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